Gottes Neue Offenbarungen

The Book of Jesus Sirach

World English Bible Catholic :: King James Version


- Kapitel 31 -

Of the desire of riches, and of moderation in eating and drinking.

Wakefulness that comes from riches consumes the flesh, and anxiety about it takes away sleep.
Wakeful anxiety will crave slumber. In a severe disease, sleep will be broken.
A rich man toils in gathering money together. When he rests, he is filled with his good things.
A poor man toils in lack of substance. When he rests, he becomes needy.
He who loves gold won’t be justified. He who follows destruction will himself have his fill of it.
Many have been given over to ruin for the sake of gold. Their destruction meets them face to face.
It is a stumbling block to those who sacrifice to it. Every fool will be taken by it.
Blessed is the rich person who is found blameless, and who doesn’t go after gold.
Who is he, that we may call him blessed? For he has done wonderful things among his people.
Who has been tried by it, and found perfect? Then let him boast. Who has had the power to transgress, and has not transgressed? And to do evil, and has not done it?
His prosperity will be made sure. The congregation will proclaim his alms.
Do you sit at a great table? Don’t be greedy there. Don’t say, “There is a lot of food on it!”
Remember that a greedy eye is a wicked thing. What has been created more greedy than an eye? Therefore it sheds tears from every face.
Don’t stretch your hand wherever it looks. Don’t thrust yourself with it into the dish.
Consider your neighbor’s feelings by your own. Be discreet in every point.
Eat like a human being those things which are set before you. Don’t eat greedily, lest you be hated.
Be first to stop for manners’ sake. Don’t be insatiable, lest you offend.
And if you sit among many, Don’t reach out your hand before them.
How sufficient to a well-mannered man is a very little. He doesn’t breathe heavily in his bed.
Healthy sleep comes from moderate eating. He rises early, and his wits are with him. The pain of wakefulness, colic, and griping are with an insatiable man.
And if you have been forced to eat, rise up in the middle of it, and you shall have rest.
Hear me, my son, and don’t despise me, and in the end you will appreciate my words. In all your works be skillful, and no disease will come to you.
People bless him who is liberal with his food. The testimony of his excellence will be believed.
The city will murmur at him who is a stingy with his food. The testimony of his stinginess will be accurate.
Don’t show yourself valiant in wine, for wine has destroyed many.
The furnace tests the temper of steel by dipping; so does wine test hearts in the quarreling of the proud.
Wine is as good as life to men, if you drink it in moderation. What life is there to a man who is without wine? It has been created to make men glad.
Wine drunk in season and in moderation is joy of heart and gladness of soul:
Wine drunk excessively is bitterness of soul, with provocation and conflict.
Drunkenness increases the rage of a fool to his hurt. It diminishes strength and adds wounds.
Don’t rebuke your neighbor at a banquet of wine. Don’t despise him in his mirth. Don’t speak a word of reproach to him. Don’t distress him by making demands of him.

Of the desire of riches, and of moderation in eating and drinking.

Watching for riches consumeth the flesh, and the care thereof driveth away sleep.
Watching care will not let a man slumber, as a sore disease breaketh sleep,
The rich hath great labour in gathering riches together; and when he resteth, he is filled with his delicates.
The poor laboureth in his poor estate; and when he leaveth off, he is still needy.
He that loveth gold shall not be justified, and he that followeth corruption shall have enough thereof.
Gold hath been the ruin of many, and their destruction was present.
It is a stumblingblock unto them that sacrifice unto it, and every fool shall be taken therewith.
Blessed is the rich that is found without blemish, and hath not gone after gold.
Who is he? and we will call him blessed: for wonderful things hath he done among his people.
Who hath been tried thereby, and found perfect? then let him glory. Who might offend, and hath not offended? or done evil, and hath not done it?
His goods shall be established, and the congregation shall declare his alms.
If thou sit at a bountiful table, be not greedy upon it, and say not, There is much meat on it.
Remember that a wicked eye is an evil thing: and what is created more wicked than an eye? therefore it weepeth upon every occasion.
Stretch not thine hand whithersoever it looketh, and thrust it not with him into the dish.
Judge not thy neighbour by thyself: and be discreet in every point.
Eat as it becometh a man, those things which are set before thee; and devour note, lest thou be hated.
Leave off first for manners’ sake; and be not unsatiable, lest thou offend.
When thou sittest among many, reach not thine hand out first of all.
A very little is sufficient for a man well nurtured, and he fetcheth not his wind short upon his bed.
Sound sleep cometh of moderate eating: he riseth early, and his wits are with him: but the pain of watching, and choler, and pangs of the belly, are with an unsatiable man.
And if thou hast been forced to eat, arise, go forth, vomit, and thou shalt have rest.
My son, hear me, and despise me not, and at the last thou shalt find as I told thee: in all thy works be quick, so shall there no sickness come unto thee.
Whoso is liberal of his meat, men shall speak well of him; and the report of his good housekeeping will be believed.
But against him that is a niggard of his meat the whole city shall murmur; and the testimonies of his niggardness shall not be doubted of.
Shew not thy valiantness in wine; for wine hath destroyed many.
The furnace proveth the edge by dipping: so doth wine the hearts of the proud by drunkenness.
Wine is as good as life to a man, if it be drunk moderately: what life is then to a man that is without wine? for it was made to make men glad.
Wine measurably drunk and in season bringeth gladness of the heart, and cheerfulness of the mind:
But wine drunken with excess maketh bitterness of the mind, with brawling and quarrelling.
Drunkenness increaseth the rage of a fool till he offend: it diminisheth strength, and maketh wounds.
Rebuke not thy neighbour at the wine, and despise him not in his mirth: give him no despiteful words, and press not upon him with urging him to drink.