Gottes Neue Offenbarungen

The Book of Jesus Sirach

World English Bible Catholic :: King James Version


- Kapitel 37 -

Of the choice of friends and counsellors.

Every friend will say, “I also am his friend”; but there is a friend which is only a friend in name.
Isn’t there a grief in it even to death when a companion and friend is turned into an enemy?
O wicked imagination, why were you formed to cover the dry land with deceit?
There is a companion who rejoices in the gladness of a friend, but in time of affliction will be against him.
There is a companion who for the belly’s sake labors with his friend, yet in the face of battle will carry his buckler.
Don’t forget a friend in your soul. Don’t be unmindful of him in your riches.
Every counselor extols counsel, but some give counsel in their own interest.
Let your soul beware of a counselor, and know in advance what is his interest (for he will take counsel for himself), lest he cast the lot against you,
and say to you, “Your way is good.” Then he will stand near you, to see what will happen to you.
Don’t take counsel with one who looks askance at you. Hide your counsel from those who are jealous of you.
Don’t consult with a woman about her rival, with a coward about war, with a merchant about business, with a buyer about selling, with an envious man about thankfulness, with an unmerciful man about kindliness, with a sluggard about any kind of work, with a hireling in your house about finishing his work, or with an idle servant about much business. Pay no attention to these in any matter of counsel.
But rather be continually with a godly man, whom you know to be a keeper of the commandments, who in his soul is as your own soul, and who will grieve with you, if you fail.
Make the counsel of your heart stand, for there is no one more faithful to you than it.
For a man’s soul is sometimes inclined to inform him better than seven watchmen who sit on high on a watch-tower.
Above all this ask the Most High that he may direct your way in truth.
Let reason be the beginning of every work. Let counsel go before every action.
As a token of the changing of the heart,
four kinds of things rise up: good and evil, life and death. That which rules over them continually is the tongue.
There is one who is clever and the instructor of many, and yet is unprofitable to his own soul.
There is one who is subtle in words, and is hated. He will be destitute of all food.
For grace was not given to him from the Lord, because he is deprived of all wisdom.
There is one who is wise to his own soul; and the fruits of his understanding are trustworthy in the mouth.
A wise man will instruct his own people. The fruits of his understanding are trustworthy.
A wise man will be filled with blessing. All those who see him will call him happy.
The life of a man is counted by days. The days of Israel are innumerable.
The wise man will inherit confidence among his people. His name will live forever.
My son, test your soul in your life. See what is evil for it, and don’t give in to it.
For not all things are profitable for all men. Not every soul has pleasure in everything.
Don’t be insatiable in any luxury. Don’t be greedy in the things that you eat.
For overeating brings disease, and gluttony causes nausea.
Because of gluttony, many have perished, but he who takes heed shall prolong his life.

Of the choice of friends and counsellors.

Every friend saith, I am his friend also: but there is a friend, which is only a friend in name.
Is it not a grief unto death, when a companion and friend is turned to an enemy?
O wicked imagination, whence camest thou in to cover the earth with deceit?
There is a companion, which rejoiceth in the prosperity of a friend, but in the time of trouble will be against him.
There is a companion, which helpeth his friend for the belly, and taketh up the buckler against the enemy.
Forget not thy friend in thy mind, and be not unmindful of him in thy riches.
Every counsellor extolleth counsel; but there is some that counselleth for himself.
Beware of a counsellor, and know before what need he hath; for he will counsel for himself; lest he cast the lot upon thee,
And say unto thee, Thy way is good: and afterward he stand on the other side, to see what shall befall thee.
Consult not with one that suspecteth thee: and hide thy counsel from such as envy thee.
Neither consult with a woman touching her of whom she is jealous; neither with a coward in matters of war; nor with a merchant concerning exchange; nor with a buyer of selling; nor with an envious man of thankfulness; nor with an unmerciful man touching kindness; nor with the slothful for any work; nor with an hireling for a year of finishing work; nor with an idle servant of much business: hearken not unto these in any matter of counsel.
But be continually with a godly man, whom thou knowest to keep the commandments of the Lord, whose, mind is according to thy mind, and will sorrow with thee, if thou shalt miscarry.
And let the counsel of thine own heart stand: for there is no man more faithful unto thee than it.
For a man’s mind is sometime wont to tell him more than seven watchmen, that sit above in an high tower.
And above all this pray to the most High, that he will direct thy way in truth.
Let reason go before every enterprize, and counsel before every action.
The countenance is a sign of changing of the heart.
Four manner of things appear: good and evil, life and death: but the tongue ruleth over them continually.
There is one that is wise and teacheth many, and yet is unprofitable to himself.
There is one that sheweth wisdom in words, and is hated: he shall be destitute of all food.
For grace is not given, him from the Lord, because he is deprived of all wisdom.
Another is wise to himself; and the fruits of understanding are commendable in his mouth.
A wise man instructeth his people; and the fruits of his understanding fail not.
A wise man shall be filled with blessing; and all they that see him shall count him happy.
The days of the life of man may be numbered: but the days of Israel are innumerable.
A wise man shall inherit glory among his people, and his name shall be perpetual.
My son, prove thy soul in thy life, and see what is evil for it, and give not that unto it.
For all things are not profitable for all men, neither hath every soul pleasure in every thing.
Be not unsatiable in any dainty thing, nor too greedy upon meats:
For excess of meats bringeth sickness, and surfeiting will turn into choler.
By surfeiting have many perished; but he that taketh heed prolongeth his life.