Gottes Neue Offenbarungen

The Book of Jesus Sirach

World English Bible Catholic 2020


- Kapitel 34 -

The vanity of dreams. The advantage of experience, and of the fear of God.

Vain and false hopes are for a man void of understanding. Dreams give wings to fools.
As one who grasps at a shadow and follows after the wind, so is he who sets his mind on dreams.
The vision of dreams is a reflection, the likeness of a face near a face.
From an unclean thing what can be cleansed? From that which is false what can be true?
Divinations, and soothsayings, and dreams, are vain. The heart has fantasies like a woman in labor.
If they are not sent in a visitation from the Most High, don’t give your heart to them.
For dreams have led many astray. They have failed by putting their hope in them.
Without lying the law will be fulfilled. Wisdom is complete in a faithful mouth.
A well-instructed man knows many things. He who has much experience will declare understanding.
He who has no experience knows few things. But he who has traveled increases cleverness.
I have seen many things in my travels. My understanding is more than my words.
I was often in danger even to death. I was preserved because of these experiences.
The spirit of those who fear the Lord will live, for their hope is in him who saves them.
Whoever fears the Lord won’t be afraid, and won’t be a coward, for he is his hope.
Blessed is the soul of him who fears the Lord. To whom does he give heed? Who is his support?
The eyes of the Lord are on those who love him, a mighty protection and strong support, a cover from the hot blast, a shade from the noonday sun, a guard from stumbling, and a help from falling.
He raises up the soul, and enlightens the eyes. He gives health, life, and blessing.
He who sacrifices a thing wrongfully gotten, his offering is made in mockery. The mockeries of wicked men are not acceptable.
The Most High has no pleasure in the offerings of the ungodly, Neither is he pacified for sins by the multitude of sacrifices.
Like one who kills a son before his father’s eyes is he who brings a sacrifice from the goods of the poor.
The bread of the needy is the life of the poor. He who deprives him of it is a man of blood.
Like one who murders his neighbor is he who takes away his living. Like a shedder of blood is he who deprives a hireling of his hire.
When one builds, and another pulls down, what profit do they have but toil?
When one prays, and another curses, whose voice will the Lord listen to?
He who washes himself after touching a dead body, and touches it again, what does he gain by his washing?
Even so a man fasting for his sins, and going again, and doing the same, who will listen to his prayer? What profit does he have in his humiliation?